Sunday, 25 January 2015

Wark? Kweeeh.

The stars have aligned thusly.

I have made stuff.

2 Blue chocobo fascinators, (or, to be fair, they could pass for Articuno fascinators as well.) are now complete, and kinda adorable. I wasn't sure how they were going to translate from yellow to blue, but I quite like the effect.

I should be able to finish up the two green ones today, but I want to go back and get a better matching fabrics for the yellow ones. I had bought some since I was out of the original yellow, but the colour match isn't quite good enough. This might mean a Queen St run, since both of my local fabricland's didn't have enough selection in yellow.

So a step foward and a step back.

(And application dates for Crafter's Corner now hovering above us. Eererehghghgh.....!)

Friday, 23 January 2015

Did I promise productivity?

Because I think I lied.

Sort of.

I mean, I did a little bit of crafting work. And by a little, I mean I stitched all the bases of the fascinators I had pre-prepped. .....Which might have taken two hours tops, in which I completed them in.... three weeks.


I blame Post-Christmas energy crashes, retail plague and extra tutoring shifts. Yes. that sounds reasonable.

Anyway. I did get the inkling of an idea at work. Art Noveau fascinators. No idea where that is going, but eh, I`ll let the idea percolate for a while.

Tally Ho!

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Starting the New Year


Hello 2015.

Let's be friends, okay?

As such, let's begin. My silent New Year's goal to myself, was to be more on top of my crafting - with our FanExpo booth all but assured, I at least can take some confidence in the fact I will have some sort of booth this year, and any and all crafting I undertake will be displayed. Normally, everything pins down to Animenorth and whether or not we can get a table there, which following as intense rush of alchemy in about two months time.

We will be applying to Animenorth again with held breath, and crossed fingers but at least I can start making things now for August and if luck is on our side, be that much more prepared for May.

So. Let's begin now.

And, actually, I have. 6 Chocobo fascinators are now in their hatchling stages,of the currently 8 I have planned. I figure if I do a bit each once and a while I'll have them done nicely in between work, my tutoring jobs and life, the universe and everything else.

That's positive, right?