Tuesday 5 February 2013

Around the internet

Let's search the internet for what's good today, yes?

1875 Parisan Trained skirt by Truly Victorian
Me want. I need this pattern in my life. My costuming wardrobe feels so empty without a parisan skirt in my life. Nevermind this wonder has 9 yards of material in it, it shouldn't be that hard to make, right?

Butterick 5797
Looking around for a good fashion corset pattern to work with. I find the other ones I've worked with have been okayish but so heavy in the fitting process, because they seem to so barrel shaped. There's always so much material I need to taper out of the armpit of all places. I wonder if this one would lend to nicer shaping because of the double princess seams in the front. Zipper back....could be neat, or modified to lace up depending on the look. Love that shrug though. Cries out for a hat.

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