Saturday 30 November 2013

Goal: Accomplish Something

Right then.

With the common cold lodged firmly into my sinus cavity, I fear my dreams of massive amounts of productivity this weekend might be falling flat. So my goal, with what time I do have to be spent on creative endeavors, will be focus on accomplishing a single task.

No idea what that will be, but I must do something. I wanted to sew the rest of my crinoline, but the idea of spending the time in the dark cold basement does not appeal. Perhaps I can work on my flowers for The Booth-That-One-Doesn't-Have-Confirmed. I can do that in daylight and with tea and blankets, right?

I have discovered they look lovely on hats. I put one of the ones I made to match my Duchess gown on a hat and it looks splendid. Another good way to display them, I feel. I can wear one as such when I sell them. Versatility people, it's all about that.


I am trying to get up the gusto to get off the bed and waddling to my sewing stuff. I fear this doesn't go well.



Wish me ambitious.

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